Mini Plan

If you are working under the Quality Control Council of Canada Agreement and are not qualified for the Full Benefit Plan, you should be covered under the “Mini Plan.



Life Insurance: $100,000

Accidental Death & Dismemberment: $100,000


Q.C.C.C. Members will become covered as of the date he/she commences working for a Participating Employer, regardless of the number of hours worked, provided the employer makes the appropriate contributions to the Plan. Coverage will be provided until the end of the calendar month following the date of employment, provided he/she does not qualify for the Full Benefit Plan in the meantime.

Example: Employed April 16th, covered April 16th to May 31st.

Example: Employed April 16th and also earned 120 hours in April. Covered on the Mini Plan from April 16th to April 30th and the Full Benefit Plan effective May 1st.

NOTE: If the Employee earned fewer than 120 hours with one employer (Mini Plan), but 120 hours with 2 or more employers, he/she may be eligible for the Full Benefit Plan. Please contact the Administrator for details.


Coverage under the Mini Plan terminates on the last day of the month following the month last worked or on the date the Full Benefit Plan coverage commences, if prior to that date. There is no self-pay provision under the Mini Plan.

Description of Benefits

Please refer to the benefit descriptions for Life Insurance and Accidental Death & Dismemberment.

NDT Industry Health Benefit Plan

As an eligible member of our benefit plan, you and your family are protected from the high cost of prescription drugs, emergency medical treatment, dental expenses and wage loss when you are disabled and unable to work. The Plan is intended to bring a greater peace of mind and an increased feeling of security to you and your family.

Learn more here.

NDT Industry Pension Plan

As an eligible member of our pension plan, you can take comfort in knowing our pension plan is supporting the founders of our industry and providing a valued source of income for those who helped build this industry to what it is today. The Plan is a multi-employer defined contribution pension plan and all money contributed to the Plan is held in trust on your behalf.

Learn more here.

Training Fund

The QCC and NDTMA jointly administer an industry training fund which reimburses training and certification costs for member technicians. The Training Fund promotes constant education and upgrading of the QCC Members.

Learn more here.

Employer / Contractor Section

See this section for information and instructions on how to remit to the Plan(s) as a signatory contractor or employer.

Learn more here.