N.D.T. Industry Pension Plan

The Trustees of the N.D.T. Industry Pension Plan are committed to using all of their individual and combined skills to achieve the best rate of return, within acceptable risk tolerances, according to the Plan’s established investment policy in a reasonable, cost effective manner, while meeting the requirements of all governing legislation. The Trustees shall act in a transparent manner in the best interests of and reporting to all beneficiaries.

Collective Agreements between the Quality Control Council of Canada (QCCC) and signatory Nondestructive Testing Companies whose bargaining agent is the N.D.T. Management Association (NDTMA) specify that an hourly contribution must be paid to the NDT Industry Pension Plan. The Plan is administered by a Board of 8 Trustees, 4 of whom are appointed by the QCCC and 4 of whom are appointed by the NDTMA. The day-to-day administration of the Plan is carried out by the Plan Administrator, D.A. Townley.

Each person who is working under the terms of the Collective Agreement between the QCCC and the NDTMA shall automatically participate in the Plan. An enrolment card must be completed by each Plan Member and submitted to the PLAN ADMINISTRATOR.

Please refer to the PENSION PLAN BOOKLET for more details as to how to apply for your pension, when you can apply for your pension, as well as your retirement options.


Retirement Considerations Member Guide


NDT Industry Pension Plan Member Newsletter 2022/2023

NDT Industry Pension Plan Member Newsletter 2021/2022

NDT Industry Pension Plan Member Newsletter 2020/2021



NDT Industry Health Benefit Plan

As an eligible member of our benefit plan, you and your family are protected from the high cost of prescription drugs, emergency medical treatment, dental expenses and wage loss when you are disabled and unable to work. The Plan is intended to bring a greater peace of mind and an increased feeling of security to you and your family.

Learn more here.

NDT Industry Pension Plan

As an eligible member of our pension plan, you can take comfort in knowing our pension plan is supporting the founders of our industry and providing a valued source of income for those who helped build this industry to what it is today. The Plan is a multi-employer defined contribution pension plan and all money contributed to the Plan is held in trust on your behalf.

Learn more here.

Training Fund

The QCC and NDTMA jointly administer an industry training fund which reimburses training and certification costs for member technicians. The Training Fund promotes constant education and upgrading of the QCC Members.

Learn more here.

Employer / Contractor Section

See this section for information and instructions on how to remit to the Plan(s) as a signatory contractor or employer.

Learn more here.