Eligible Retired members will be covered immediately following normal retirement age, provided a Group Insurance Enrollment Card has been completed and submitted to the Administrator and all other requirements are met. Eligible members retiring early, who are 55 years of age or older, may also be entitled to this coverage by self-paying premiums until they reach the age of 60. The current monthly rate for self-paying retired members is $210.00 inclusive of any applicable premium tax and regardless of single or family coverage under the Plan. This rate is subject to change without notice – the retiring member must contact the Administrator to confirm details and eligibility. Coverage provided on a self-paying basis must be continuous. PLEASE NOTE: Self-payment, although calculated on a monthly cost, is paid on an annual basis. A semi-annual basis can be accommodated, if requested.
Please refer to the NDT Industry Health Benefit Plan Post-Retirement Benefits.
Retirement Considerations Member Guide
Extended Health
Use the Extended Health Benefits Claim form if you’ve paid for extended health expenses (prescription drugs, physiotherapy, chiropractor, vision care, etc) that are covered under your Health Benefit Plan and you wish to be reimbursed.
Use the Standard Dental Claim Form if you’ve paid for dental expenses that are covered under your Health Benefit Plan and you wish to be reimbursed.